How to Fix a Broken Recliner Frame: The Right Way

A recliner either broken or misshapen due to its poor frame alignment under stress is a whole family’s problem because it is typically seen as a crucial convenient home decor that is out of order.

At a swift glance, it might seem like an easy fix but once you roll your sleeves and get up close and personal with it, it doesn’t seem like a walk in the park, in fact, it’s a feat that requires pro efficiency, finesse and an abundance of patience. 

However, no matter how hectic the situation seems, don’t let the familiar creak turn into a worrying snap because the correct guidance from experts like me could restore your chair to its former glory.

Still, wondering? Well, here is how to fix a broken Recliner frame, make sure you follow through with every word I have written to get the job done the professional way!

First Thing First: Gather All The Supplies

In order to rectify the problems, you need to get your hands on a couple of things first such as : 

  • Welding tool (to fix metal frame) or wood glue/epoxy (for wooden frames)
  • A couple of Clamps
  • Wood Fillers ( for damaged wooden areas)
  • Sandpaper
  • Screws, Nuts & Bolts ( situational)
  • Primer and paint ( needed to prevent corrosion and chip damage)
  • Replacement parts like brackets or hinges (if necessary)

Essential Precautionary measures

Before we dive into the problem and start our diagnostics, it is better that you perform essential precautionary measures. These include checking all the electrical cords are unplugged, you clearly don’t want to get zapped even if you are using the appropriate tools. Most of the time, even if the wires aren’t exposed, there are some parts of the metal frame that are vulnerable to electric conductivity once it is damaged or due to poor insulation. 

Whatever the case might be, removing all sorts of power plugs that are being connected to the chair can help you easily overcome problems arising later such as accidental shocks during the repair process.

Keep in mind that some recliners, especially the premium electric ones, tend to have extra backup batteries in case the main power source fails whenever the chair is reclining so that it retracts to its original spot, keeping the owner safe. In that case, you also need to remove those batteries to make the recliner free from any sort of electrical current.

Frame Diagnostics

The next step is incredibly important and if you really want to fix the problem, then you might want to pay attention to any form of cracks, dents, scratches, or even frame misalignment.

The best course of action for diagnosing the problem is by starting from the base and checking for any cracking or splitting because that is the region that is susceptible to direct weight pressure and often gives up due to poor construction issues in a recliner or regular wear and tear.

Moreover, you may also want to examine the joints that connect the base of the chair to the upper seat and the chair, oftentimes, this region is the culprit behind massive misalignment problems. if you see none of those visible bending-related issues, try giving the lower area of the chair a couple of jolts to check for any excess movements, if you do manage to make the chair move a bit over its axis, you might have a bad case of loose joints, especially around swirling circular ring, if it has any.

Lastly, you can also diagnose for springs being strained which are usually present underneath the padding of the recliner. While these springs don’t directly affect the frame itself if they are strained or bent, it could also be the culprit behind a broken frame, making the seat sag.

Fixing The Problem

Now it’s time to get down to business, roll up your sleeves and start by disassembling the chair by removing the upholstery, make sure you remove every form of padding, and then use a Phillips screwdriver to completely remove all the screws.

If there are nuts or bolts present, make sure you remove those nuts and bolts too, take apart every modular piece in your recliner frame, and if you aren’t pro-efficient in putting it back together, simply record a video or take pictures when you are disassembling so you could revert the process later.

If the recliner is an older variant or is made from exotic wood, all you have to do is use wood glue from a reputable brand and apply it on cracks while using clamps so that it gets hardened back in its place. You might want to use glue as much as possible so that it solidifies correctly because wood requires plenty of support whenever it’s cracked or has chip damage.

If your frame is made from metallic alloys, things might get tricky because you are required to use a welding tool. All you have to do is use a hammer to align the frame to its original position and weld the spots that have been cracked or split. If there is bending due to weight overload, use an extra piece of metal to fuse it to the frame and the base of the chair so that it attains support and doesn’t bend back again.

Keep in mind that for lighter metals like non-ferrous metal, you might need a brazing technique, as hard welding could damage such materials. On the other hand, you could also solder joints to aluminum parts in case there is a larger gap between the bends of the frame.

If none of the options sound Feasible and the damage is more than you would have expected, it might be time for replacement for parts such as brackets, connectors or support bars which you can easily get your hands on through your local repair shop or by contacting the recliner original manufacturer.

Lastly, once you are done, apply metal epoxy on top of the welded or soldered parts to further solidify the joints or cracks and make them prevent this mishap from occurring again. Keep in mind that these soldered parts or joints are also susceptible to corrosion and rust, so make sure you apply a thin layer of paint uniformly to cover the bumps of welded spots and fill in any dents.

Reassembling Process

For best results, I would highly advise you to wait at least a day before you proceed with reassembling your recliner frame because you need the wood glue or the metallic epoxy to set in, so I would highly advise you to not rush the process as it will ruin the reinforcement of the frame and even stain the padding or the upholstery you are applying on it.

Once you have made sure everything has been hardened and solidified, watch the video recording of yourself when you were taking apart the frame. The recording will give you a brief idea of how to put the frame back into the correct order without ruining its alignment.

Testing Phase

Once you have gone through the frame assembling process, it’s time to test out how well you have done the job. Start by placing lightweight material and if you are confident enough afterward, sit on it to check it has a proper alignment. Try swiveling at least 360 degrees if your chair has a circular mechanism, and check for any squeaky sound. You could even apply grease or WD-40 spray to curb any noise due to welding the chair.

Furthermore, use a bubble level to check the alignment of your seat. It will give a precise idea of whether or not it has aligned correctly. Moreover, if you feel like any part feels too stiff or requires necessary adjustment, try disassembling each part again and applying grease to prevent any unnecessary wear and tear.

Double-check everything before finalizing the process. Perform the necessary actions that are mentioned above to ensure your recliner frame never malfunctions again.

How To Prevent Your Recliner Frame From Breaking Again 

As mentioned above, fixing your Recliner frame doesn’t sound like a walk in the park, in fact, it could take plenty of finesse and proficiency to get it fixed, let alone return it to its mint condition, so it’s best that you partake into these measures to prevent it from happening in future.

 Avoid overloading

It is highly necessary that you adhere to the weight limit, while recliners tend to have massive payload capacity, the older ones that have gone through damages, cracks, joints, or bending due to misalignment oftentimes are highly susceptible. So in other words, it is in your best interest that you avoid overloading the recliner by going over the recommended weight threshold. For best results, it is better that you leave a bit of headroom so that it is never undressed by constant stress by cutting it some slack, considering the fact the structural integrity of a recliner is never the same once it is fixed.

Regular Cleaning

A simple rub from a cleaning brush or a soft cloth would be more than sufficient to keep the frame squeaky clean, just make sure you thoroughly clean crevices and corners where dirt can accumulate. If you are an individual who often likes to eat on the recliner, I would highly recommend that you also try vacuuming the upholstery, and using a fabric cleaner suitable for your recliner’s material can help keep it clean and fresh.

Inspect for Wear and Tear

While this step might seem a bit too over the top, think of it as keeping tabs on your favorite comfy pants. Scan the frame and joints for any cracks or wobbly bits, wood, or metal, doesn’t matter.  On the other hand, give the fabric a look-over too. Are any threads starting to pull, tears getting bigger, or fading colors? Even small stuff like a loose screw can lead to trouble down the road, so go ahead and tighten things up. A few minutes of inspection now can save you a major repair headache later and even save you some money down the line.


Lubrication every now and then never hurts anyone, just make sure you don’t do it otherwise it will attract unnecessary gunk by accumulating dust and debris over its inner frame. Proper lubrication efficiently stops those annoying squeaks and makes the reclining action feel like new.  

Avoid Rough Handling

Gone are the days when you would rock your recliner as if it’s a rollercoaster in a Disney park, as mentioned above, the structural integrity is quite compromised, so make sure you are gentle with your recliner now. Don’t rock it too hard or recline it in angles that will put direct stress on the frame. At this point, it would be considered textbook knowledge that dropping or mishandling the recliner can cause significant damage to the frame and internal mechanisms. 

Even changing the angles or sitting on it improperly could cause misalignment, broken joints, or other structural issues that may be challenging to repair. When moving or adjusting the recliner, do so gently and avoid applying excessive force. Treat your recliner as a valuable piece of furniture and handle it with the necessary care if you really want it to last an eternity.

In Conclusion

Recliners aren’t cheap, whether it’s a power recliner or a traditional one, new ones cost an arm and limb, so it’s in your best interest that you preserve the quality and longevity of your recliner through proper maintenance and follow the steps that are mentioned above.

If you are on a budget and cannot afford to buy a newer model or cannot take it to your local repair shop to rectify the issue with a professional, I highly recommend following my guide on How to Fix a Broken Recliner Frame that I have curated above as it will assist you in your endeavors. Best of luck and let me know if you are interested in more guides on esoteric knowledge like these.