Is Recliner Safe During Pregnancy? A Million Dollar Question!

The pregnancy period is a blissful yet rough patch in life that every woman has to endure one way or another since there is no typical way to get around the discomfort and pain that comes with it.

Generally, the endeavor lasts around 9 months and will keep you on the edge especially if you are in the later trimester because obviously, that’s where the hormonal changes kick in, welcoming a whole host of physical transitions that introduce shortness of breath, misalignment of spinal cord as well as temperature rise and even insomnia.

Since, catching a break or taking a nap plays a huge role in keeping your baby healthy, with this multitude of issues, there is no way you could simply use a traditional bed, just like you would on a regular basis and enjoy a sigh of relief.

In that case, If you ponder upon the fact “Is a Recliner Safe During Pregnancy?”, the answer to this question might be a straightforward “Yes”, However, there is a catch, scroll down to know more.

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Is Recliner Safe During Pregnancy? A Million Dollar Question!

Recliners were designed to provide peak comfort and convenience to the end users and if used correctly, there is no possible way you could feel discomfort or sleeping issues.

In fact, it’s a mile ahead of any other homeware or your typical bed even for a person that isn’t suffering from any disorders or fiascos.

As for Recliners “being safe”, here are some key elements that you might want to take into account,

1. Using the Correct Dimensions

Just like a human being’s body, recliners come in different shapes and sizes, and failing to invest in the correct dimensions can cause more harm than good. 

For starters, using incorrect dimensions will cause alignment issues with your spinal region, resulting in severe levels of agony and stiffness in your back which is the last thing you would while going through pregnancy.

On the other hand, it will also hamper and even exacerbate your posture which directly correlates to shortness of breath and even edema in your limbs.

Henceforth, a recliner is only safe as long as you make the right decision and keep a close eye on the dimensions while making your pick.

2. Invest in the Right Kind

Not every recliner brand lives up to its claim, in fact, I have seen quite a few recliners that are hyped up to the stratosphere with gimmicky words and a flashy outlook, that only results in disappointing output.

These sort of recliners are only marketed for cosmetic use and are on par with a traditional chair or sofa. 

Being an expert and an enthusiast on recliners and homedecors, only medical grade recliners are deemed fit and potentially safe during pregnancy period as they have ergonomic design that caters to vital regions and ensures your lower torso remains in an ideal position.

Apply a general rule of thumb by only reclining the backrest up to 30 degrees to prevent pressure on the inferior vena cava (IVC). 

However, after the first trimester, avoid laying on your back at all times even within safe limits because not only will make your back stiff but also applies pressure on the inferior vena cava which is responsible for pumping blood to your upper torso.

The loss of blood and oxygen will drastically impact your body as well as your baby’s health, so make sure you sleep on your left side on your military-grade recliner which will ensure it has potentially no side effects for you or your baby.

3. Lookout for the Accessories

This attribute might sound trivial but trust me, having a multitude of accessories goes a long way and you will eventually thank yourself.

However, it goes without saying that having extra goodies such as side pockets, vibrational nodes, heating pads, and even mini tables could positively impact your pregnancy experience.

Let’s be honest, It feels extremely luxurious to get your lower back soothed with warm air on chilly nights while you sip away on your hot coffee and gossip with your loved ones.

 While this aspect may not directly impact the safety of a recliner, it certainly makes it a noteworthy choice.

4. Upholstery Matters

The American Pregnancy Association advises pregnant moms to use well-padded recliners and even if those don’t suffice, a well-placed pillow or a cushion would certainly do the trick.

Recliners that have ample cushioning are not only extremely safe but they keep your body at a 30-degree angle and jumpstart blood circulation from your heart to your lower body.

This utilization of recliners makes it extremely safe for everyday use, as long as you invest in a recliner with ergonomic padding that is suitable for your body.

5. Avoid Weird Angles

Even though a recliner is an assistive tool for relaxing, you must precautionary measures when setting the backrest while lying on it. Stretching or inkling too much could possibly cause your back discomfort and even cause micro-injuries in the long run.

In simpler words, just because you could lay flat on it or swivel around on it doesn’t mean you should because quick or sharp turns can put stress on your abdomen which negatively impacts the health of your baby.

Read Here: Properly Sleeping In A Recliner While Pregnant? Recommended Ways

Bottom Line

Recliners, on the whole, are the best possible substitute for your body to enjoy a restful slumber.

However, to ensure these comfort-inducing homewares stay safe during pregnancy, it’s in your best interest that you follow precautionary measures beforehand.